why illumy is the no. 1 choice for e-comm emails

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We all get spammed with notification emails when making an online purchase.

“Confirming Your Order ABC-123.”

“Your Order ABC-123 Is Being Prepared.”

“Shipping Confirmation for Order ABC-123.”

“Order ABC-123 Is Out For Delivery.”

“How Did We Do?”

Even email platforms that thread conversations struggle to handle all of these notifications, for one simple reason. It’s that with most email providers, threading happens on the basis of subject line.

Because online-order messages all have a different subject, a single purchase leads to a tangle of emails in your inbox — despite their being from the same sender and related to the same purchase.

the illumy approach: a new way to receive notification emails

At illumy, we do email differently. Our approach gives you a cleaner inbox that’s easier to browse.

In contrast to most email platforms, illumy threads conversations by sender. Sounds like a simple difference. But it keeps the focus of your conversations on the person (or business) at the other end, instead of the subject line.

Threading by sender not only groups your order-notification emails together (even across different orders) but helps improve searchability. With illumy, all of your conversations with a sender — email, chat on illumy, file uploads — exist in a single stream.

illumy’s powerful tools to manage commercial emails

Intuitive threading is just the tip of the iceberg with illumy email. Two other powerful features make illumy the best email provider around for commercial emails like order notifications.

The first is one-touch rejection.

When you get an email on illumy from an unknown sender, we give you the option to reject or allow it. If you reject, the sender never gets notified, and you won’t see any more emails from that person or business.

The second is illumy’s best-in-class privacy protections.

Other email providers ingest the content of your mails to better understand your browsing and buying habits. While we do index your message content to make it searchable, we’ll never sell this info to anybody.

illumy has the fun parts of email covered, too

We’re not all-work-and-no-play at illumy. Even as we try to reduce the irritation of commercial emails, we didn’t forget what makes email fun.

That includes:

  • GIFs (and soon, GIFs with sound) from GIPHY
  • message reactions
  • file uploads of up to 500MB
  • and inline support for all different kinds of rich media.


illumy’s rich media support means your photos or videos appear right within your illumy conversation threads, instead of hidden away as attachments in multiple threads. And in the forthcoming illumy 3.0 platform, media handling is getting a big upgrade — so stay tuned.

Start using your @ illumy.com email address for your online orders today. You might be amazed at how much quieter your inbox becomes.

Photo by Curology on Unsplash.

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