captions to express how you feel about a loved one’s big news

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When the people we care about have major life changes, it’s sometimes hard to know just what to say. Obviously, what you choose to say to them will depend on your relationship with them, how long you’ve known them, and whatever it is they’re going through. But we’ve crafted some examples of things you can say the next time a friend shares big news. Feel free to copy and paste these as-is, or customize them to suit your needs.

wedding, marriage, cohabitation

  • Congratulations. 🥳 You’re both embarking on an amazing journey. My sincere wish is that you both create long-lasting a relationship filled with joy, kindness, and love. ♥️
  • Woo-hoooooo! This is such amazing news! You both look so happy together. 🥰 Congrats! 🥳
  • So happy for you. You finally found someone who can put up with you. Kidding! You’re awesome. Best wishes to you both. 💕🍾

breakup, divorce, uncoupling

  • I’m sorry to hear about this. 😔 I know you’ll bounce back, and I’m here if you need me. Sending you love, friend. 🥰
  • Oh, wow. That’s really hard, and I’m so sorry. 😔 I am here for you—if you need hugs, laughs, or just two ears to listen or a shoulder to cry on. 😥
  • Breaking up 💔 is so hard, even when it’s the best for everyone involved. I am sorry you’re hurting, and I am here for you, whether you just need a distraction or need to talk things out.

new job, client, or gig

  • I always knew you were amazing at what you do. Super-duper congratulations to you! 🤩
  • Clearly, you’re awesome. 🤩 I’m just glad you found a place that recognizes your talent.
  • Someone hired YOU? Ha! Of course they did. You’re smart, you work hard, and you’re awesome. Big congrats, friend. 👏🙌

lost job

  • Darn, that really stinks. If you PM me your resume, I’ll reach out to see if anyone in my network is hiring. Chin up. You’ll find a new job soon. 💪
  • That company didn’t deserve you. 😠 You’re smart and hardworking, and I know you’ll find a new job very soon. Let me know if there’s anything I can help with. 😎
  • Well, crap. That’s no fun. I’ve been there, and it’s tough, but you’ll land a new job soon, I just know it. 👊


  • How exciting! I’ll bet you’re happy to be closer to family/your hometown/work. I’ll miss you around here, but we will stay in touch. Friends for life! 😎🤗
  • I’ll be sad to see you go but happy to know that you’re happy in your new spot. You’re going to be very busy prepping for the move, 📦 so let me know if I can lend a hand. 👐
  • Wow! That’s great news! I know you’ve been wanting to make this move for a while, and I couldn’t be happier for you. Happy hour next week? A toast to your move. 🥂🍾

raise, promotion, good news professionally

  • Look at you, Fancy Pants! That’s really impressive, and I’m proud of you. Way. To. Go. 🥳👊
  • This doesn’t surprise me at all, because I know you’re amazing, and I’m glad other people see it, too. 👏🤗🍾
  • Hey, way to go! That’s wonderful news. You must be very happy. 😊🤩

death of a loved one

  • My sincere condolences. 😥 Losing someone you love is one of the hardest things in life, and I can’t imagine how you must feel. I love you, and I’m here for you if you need a friend. ❤️
  • I am so very sorry. 💔 It’s so hard losing the ones we love. Time will help, and so will your friends. We’re here for you.
  • It’s hard to know what to say. 🥺 I’m sorry that you’re hurting. Losing someone you love hurts a lot, and I wish I could ease your pain.😞

illness, health challenges

  • You know what? You’ve got this. I’m here for you. Our friends are here for you. You’re going to get through this. Sending healing thoughts your way. 🤒🤕
  • Oh, wow. That’s awful. 😩 I want to help you in any way I can. If you need a meal, a friend, a ride—anything I can do, I will. Please just let me know. I’m here for you. ♥️
  • I’m sorry to hear that. I wish you strength, courage, and healing. Sending healing prayers 🙏, hugs🤗, and love❤️ to you.


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Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

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