stronger, better, faster… illumy gets even more amazing

black woman in server room with quite about building the new

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We have an exciting announcement! All of the things you know and love about illumy are going to get even better. Why take something that’s already great and tinker with it? To make it even better, of course. 👊👍😉

Our all-in-one communications platform is about to get a major upgrade that will reduce costs, enhance performance, improve reliability, increase scalability, and enable us to deliver even more awesome features now and as we grow.

why change was necessary

When we began building in the middle of 2018, we were using a big-name cloud ☁️ computing company. While the services and options were ideal for a garage-band startup like illumy to get to market quickly, once we launched our beta and began growing quickly, it became apparent that this big-name cloud company was going to hold us back. It would increase costs, limit performance, and restrict flexibility and scalability. And, worse of all, we were locked into a single vendor. The public cloud exerted control over us—and that wasn’t something we wanted for ourselves or our users. We needed to be free.

how we addressed these concerns

We have some of the brightest technical minds around. 🤓 When they were held back by the cloud service, they did what needed to be done. They literally designed, architected, and built a new illumy cluster from the ground up. In a nod to the hit HBO show Silicon Valley, the new server was dubbed Super Anton. (Anton was the name of the server the show’s characters built in their garage. Of course, ours is even better, so we dubbed it Super Anton.)  

(cartoon) tough super woman flying in the air

benefits to you, our members

The move provides us with the freedom to increase development speed, ensure top performance, and deploy a host of new features with little to no downtime. It supports the release of our latest iOS mobile app and the debut of our revamped Android app! It will allow us to massively scale and debut some new and exciting features, including:

  • Upgraded VoIP services
  • High-resolution/4K compatibility
  • Image cut-and-paste in all Compose Message fields
  • Responsive interface design
  • Improvements to Contacts
  • Additional permission levels for your profile
  • Show More/Show Less options

illumy is and always has been a people-first company.👥🥇 That’s why we created illumy, why we built Super Anton, and why we’re doing everything in our power to ensure little to no disruption to our members. We’re very excited about what these changes mean for you and all the people who have yet to join (and fall in love with) illumy.😍

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash.

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