4 ways illumy is perfect for wedding planning

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Many of us have family and friends spread out across the country or the world and because of that, our wedding day is one of the few times (or the only time) in our lives that the people who care about us most will be in one place. This is a special time for everyone to come together and create memories that will last a lifetime. illumy is made for connecting people and groups together, and it’s perfect for weddings. 💒

before you start…

When you send the save-the-dates , include an invitation to join illumy on the card: illumy.com/signup, along with your illumy address. Better yet—email the save-the-date to everyone using your illumy address. That way, people are more likely to join illumy, and you can easily add them to your wedding groups.

Next, create groups of your guests and wedding participants. Something like, “Nguyen-Garcia Wedding,” “Bridesmaids,” “Groomsmen,” etc. Other groups you could create: “Out-of-Town Guests,” “Local Guests,” “Family,” etc. The possibilities are endless.

Once everyone joins illumy (or you can simply use their existing email addresses and include them in the group that way), check out these four ways you can use illumy to make your wedding a special event for all involved (and make things easier on the couple, too).

1. ask local friends for help.

Your loved ones want to help, but they may not always know how. illumy makes it so easy. Just post a request in the group of your local guests and wedding party, and let them know how they can help. Maybe you need someone to pick up stamps at the post office or for your friend with the great taste in music to interview the band. If they can help, great! If they can’t, that’s okay, too. Asking in an illumy group is an easy, no-pressure way to ask for help from the ones you love. 💕

2. encourage your family and friends to meet up before or after wedding activities.

Attending an out-of-town wedding out of town can be daunting for your guests. And as much as you’d like to organize meet-ups and events with them all, you’re busy planning a wedding. When the out-of-town guests are all in a group with each other, it’s much easier for them to make plans on their own and arrange dinners, drinks, etc. Let your wedding be the catalyst for lots of special mini-events for your loved ones.

3. crowd-source photos of all the events.

From the pre-parties and rehearsal dinner all the way through the main event, the more photos you have, the richer the memories for all. Encourage everyone to post their snaps and selfies in a Wedding Photos group. Not only will you have even more fabulous pics of your special day, your guests can connect with each other, too. During wedding downtime, they can scroll through everyone’s comments and photos and like, react to, and comment on them.

4. post high-resolution versions of the professional shots.

It’s tricky to know which of your friends or relatives would want printed wedding photos, and paying for prints and mailing them to dozens of relatives can get pricey. One of the best things about illumy is—unlike Twitter or Facebook—it doesn’t compress your images. That means you can post the pics you get from your photographer in the thread, and your aunties five states (or 5,000 miles) away can have high-res, print-ready photographs of your big day. 🖼

Weddings are celebrations of people coming together, and illumy was built to do just that: connect people authentically and in a way that allows them to focus on each other and what’s important.


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

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