3 ways illumy handles photos + videos differently

A hand holds a stack of printed photos.

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illumy is a new way of communicating — bringing email, chat, voice, and video into lightning-fast ⚡ threaded conversations.

To match this new-and-improved experience, we’re also rethinking how media like photos, videos, and music get handled. Typically, email and chat platforms see media as attachments: basically, static files with limited interactibility. But there’s a better way.

Here are the top 3️⃣ ways illumy is changing media handling for the better.

illumy makes your media more useful

From the start of the illumy 3.0 development process, our aim was media management that actually makes your media files usable.

We don’t just treat files as attachments, in other words. Instead, we asked how you can do things with them — so they’re more useful right in the moment.

To make that happen, we built tools from scratch 🛠 that allow you to interact with media within your conversation thread.

That means inline players for video and music ▶️, as well as inline image galleries 🖼️ that let you browse multiple photos, or zoom in and out of a single photo, in a snap.

These media interactions within illumy are designed to be as fluid and seamless as possible. But if you choose, you can also download files to your device and open them with a different app.

illumy keeps your media more secure

When you share songs, videos, or images on illumy, all of illumy’s best-in-class privacy 🥷 and security 🔐 features come standard.

That means end-to-end encryption on illumy chats, as well as keeping your content and personal info out of the hands of advertisers. On illumy, all of a person’s media is part of their unique data set — which is kept totally secure. Even we can’t see it.

illumy’s message management tools help protect the privacy of your media even further. You can edit, hide, or delete media messages from your illumy conversations in an instant ⏱. It’s perfect if you want to remove content from the chat completely.

illumy speeds up your media multitasking

Because illumy works across four separate communications technologies, it’s important that your illumy inbox lets you fluidly send and receive different message types.

Part of making this happen is the interactive elements that render your media more usable. Another essential productivity tool is the illumy widget panel, which separates files (like documents and .pdfs) from media (like songs or pictures).

illumy is the only messaging company to treat files and media differently. The goal: to help you parse your conversations more efficiently ✅.

From the widget panel, you can either click on a file name to view the media right away 📍 or navigate back to the original message 🔙. Contrast that with some email and chat providers, which only allow you to do one task — viewing media or writing a message — at a time.


On illumy, you can zip between conversations, files, and contacts: with the key word being “zip.” We built illumy 3.0 for incredible speed, whether that means uploading files, sending email, or setting up a call. And all of that speed is wrapped into a design that’s more multitasking-capable.

Still other media types will be supported by illumy 3.0, like emoji, .gifs, and even .gifs with sound. We think it’s a pretty awesome media handling experience.

Photo by Cole Keister on Unsplash.

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