illumy messaging is fast, fun, modern, private, and secure. Private and group chat with your friends and family on any device or platform.
illumy messaging is fast, fun, modern, private, and secure. Private and group chat with your friends and family on any device or platform.
Send and receive emails and instant messages in a single inbox to consolidate and simplify your communications life. Stop jumping between multiple apps to stay connected.
Send and receive emails and instant messages in a single inbox to consolidate and simplify your communications life. Stop jumping between multiple apps to stay connected.
Call any of your illumy connections around the world in HD-quality, so they sound like they are right there.
Call any of your illumy connections around the world in HD-quality, so they sound like they are right there.
Easily share your contact and social details with anyone—from best friends to casual acquaintances. Stay effortlessly connected since your contact info is always up-to-date.
Easily share your contact and social details with anyone—from best friends to casual acquaintances. Stay effortlessly connected since your contact info is always up-to-date.
Sign up and experience combined email, messaging, and calling for a truly unified inbox that works on Mac, PC, and mobile.
We’ll send you an email when it’s your turn to sign up.
i1 plan | i2 plan | i3 plan |
[sc name="popup_total_minutes"][/sc]/min | ||
i1 plan | i2 plan | i3 plan | |
illumy to illumy calling | unlimited calling included | unlimited calling included | unlimited calling included |
Landline | n/a | ||
Mobile | n/a | ||
Premium | n/a | ||
Details: Calls are rounded up to the nearest minute. A fair usage policy applies to unlimited calling capabilities. Some premium, special rate, or geographic numbers are not included. Restrictions apply. |